Rules for Fractions

Adding/ Subtracting: The denominator must be the same. Add only the numerator, the denominator does not change. If the denominators are different, change them using a common multiple (remember whatever you do to the top you do to the bottom) and the add. Example: 1/2 + 3/4= change to 2/4+3/4=5/4 5/4=1 1/4

Comparing and Ordering Fractions: There are three ways... only 3

1- Change the fraction to a decimal. Divide the Numerator by the denominator to get the decimal; Ex: 3/4 3 divided by 4 equal .75

Quick Trick: If the denominator is a factor of 100 change the fraction to be equivalent to a denominator of 100. EX: 3/4= 75/100. This is 75 hundreths or .75

2. Make the denominators the same using a common multiple. When the denominators are the same, the larger the numerator the bigger the fraction.(remember whatever you do to the top you do to the bottom) Example: 4/6 or 5/8?

6 and 8 go into 24. Denominator will be 24. 4/6=16/24 and 5/8=15/24 16 is bigger than 15. So 4/6 is the bigger fraction.

3. Make the numerators the same using a common multiple. When the numerators are the same, the smaller the denominator the bigger the fraction.(remember whatever you do to the top you do to the bottom) Example: 4/6 or 5/8? 4 and 5 both go into 20 so 20 is the new numerator. 4/6= 20/30 and 20/32. 30 is smaller than 32 so 4/6 is the bigger fraction.