Invention Project


Ms. Adler

Invention Project

Due: January 2, 2013


Part 1


  • Research and report on an invention that we use in todays world, such as the microwave, car or telephone. Include who invented it , where and when it was invented, why it was invented, what is the importance and how it was invented
  • How it has affected the world, what life would be like without it.
  • A detailed drawing or diagram of the invention
  • The cost of the item and an explanation of if you think it is a fair price, why or why not.
  • A t-chart comparing the pro’s and con’s of the invention, the good and the bad



Part 2


Create your Own Invention Project Must Include The Following:


  • Labeled Design/ Drawing of the Invention
  • A detailed explanation of the invention that includes: where you got the idea, why it is needed, the cause (why people need it) and effect (how it will change the world) and how it works.
  • A positive and negative T-Chart for your invention
  • A list of related or similar inventions
  • A poster advertising/ selling your invention (include cost and why people need it)
  • Write an ABC poem for your invention
  • Compare and contrast Venn Diagram: compare and contrast your invention to a similar invention
  • The cost of the item and an explanation of if you think it is a fair price, why or why not.